Days left to European Parliament election


The ‘Europe We Want’ is a politically independent campaign that encourages a debate on achieving a fairer Europe at home and abroad at the upcoming European Parliament elections on 22-25 May 2014. The campaign was set up in April 2014 by a broad alliance of leading European civil society organisations.



The newly elected MEPs need to strengthen participatory democracy and promote active citizenship through consultation and dialogue processes and the inclusion of mandatory provisions for the participation and consultation of civil society actors in all EU legislative text impacting on citizens’ rights and livelihoods inside and outside Europe.


We need to tackle inequality at its root, both in Europe and beyond, and in accordance with the core values and principles of the EU. The new Parliament has to push for greater tax justice, the fair and sustainable use of natural resources, a fairer system of food production, and climate justice for all through greater EU climate action.


In crisis, there is an opportunity to reinvent the European social model and put Europe on a stronger and fairer footing in the world. This means thinking about justice, human rights, poverty and inequality both inside and outside the EU. The new EP and the new EC have to demonstrate strong commitment to policy coherence for development.

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